Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013


= was an ancient civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia, modern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age.

Contributions to Civilization
= in about 3000 BCE, their first city Ur, was established a ruling system that involved dynasties
= they built temples and the lunar calendar
     some examples included:
         - bridges
         - irrigation systems
         - formal education
         - wheel
         - walls and cities
         - ship
= they develop system of writing which is the CUNEIFORM
        tablets - clay
                   - stylus
= their tribes are Herdsmen -- takes care of animals.
                             - pastol
                             - farming
= temples - ziggurets
= society - gov't
= fortress - roads, bridges, buildings
               - swage system

True Orgins of Man - Sumerian Alien

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